A Spiritual Enrichment Center in Saugatuck, Michigan

Spirit Space

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 11: You Are the Light of the World

Reasoning by Rev. Vivian Love

We have heard the phrase "You are the Light of the World" repeated in scripture and in song lyrics, in motivational speeches and greeting cards. It sounds so good and so empowering; yet, how can we manifest that sentiment in our daily lives? Each of us is a being of light – receiving and radiating at the same time. We are inspired and informed by the light flowing to us. We enlighten and heal with the light we radiate. As we gather in our spiritual home, our combined energy amplifies both the light of knowledge received and the healing power transmitted to the world around us. If we can experience this light as it truly is – tangible, powerful, pure - we can open ourselves to an endless source of insight, inspiration and well-being. Whether we call it spirit, light, energy or prana, it is ours to embrace. There is real power in the phrase: You are the light of the world. Listen to and/or download Vivian's reasoning by clicking the link below:

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